The International Summer Camp promoted by SBS - Südtirol Badminton School is successfully concluded (26th – 30th August 2019) in Bolzano.
Around 45 players from 8 different countries trained under the technical guidance of the Guest Coaches from Bulgaria (Peyo Boychinov/National Coach and Mens Double Champion 2019 in Bulgaria), and Ivan Panev/Coach in Luxembourg and Mens Double Champion 2019 in Bulgaria), and of course with local Coaches too, like Erika Henriete Stich (Coach of ASC Berg and SV Kaltern), Csaba Hamza (Head Coach of SBS) and Federico Tiribello (Phyiscal Coach of PROMOTUS).
A warm greeting to all participants of both SBS Summer camp (more than 100 players from 11 countries like: Austria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Romania and of course Italy).
Special thanks to both Technical Staff for the excellent work carried out.
Welcome to the next International Winter Camp (organized by SBS in Bolzano city, from 27th to 31st December 2019), when we will have the pleasure of hosting a Malaysian national player and Coach!