Winning 9 medals by athletes who attend Südtirol Badminton School, in occasion of “Grand Prix Novi Ligure” tournament, held in Novi Ligure/AL.
A comment of Head Coach – Csaba Hamza:
I am very satisfied with the results of my athletes; especially that of Katharina Fink, who was able to overcome the athlete in the semifinal , that I consider of great talent such as Martina Corsini; for me personally it is one of my challengesthat I have appointed when I started my collaboration with the Sudtirol Badminton School in the year 2013, and I thank my colleagues (Assistant Coach, Physical Coach, Sport Psychologist and International Sparring) for their fruitful cooperation and use of scientific training methods. Yesterday's result is not an arrival (let us remember that the road is long) but only a confirmation that the technical staff of the Sudtirol Badminton School is able to prepare young athletes technically on a par with athletes that are followed daily by national staff (which while they are doing a good job) like Martina Corsini (she is one of the athletes on which the FIBa invested more energy and resources over the past three years.).Achieve results like this (although starting with a player who three years ago was almost beginner like Katharina) and win the important medals in Italy and abroad, for the way I see it is a confirmation that the direction we are taking is the right one. I always believe in the Team Work! In closing I would like to mention also the conquest of Yasmine Hamza (Silver medal u/15) . She managed to keep up in the final against the Italian vice-champion /u15 year 2016 (Judith Mair).